Thursday, August 27, 2009

Park Pictures

Jami and I went into Plainfield on Tuesday to get my dress altered for her wedding ,and then went to the park for a try at some pictures of the girls in one of our favorite matching outfits. Lakin posed for a few when we first got there, then informed me that she didn't want to do anymore:) But I got a few of her and she looks BEAUTIFUL!!!! I got a few of the babies together that are pretty darn cute, too;)Thi is my favorite Lakin picture awwwwwwww......I love this one! Emma just loves to give her BFF kisses!!:)

They are telling each other secrets....

She's so silly with her cheesy grin:)

Ava wasn't to happy about this pose, as you can see from her face;) She's not real big on grass..

I just love this one!! Looks like they are having a little conversation;)

The end...........:)

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