Happy Birthday To Me!!!
Well, I already told you how my birthday went, so here are the pictures. I look amazing, right?? I tried so hard. Don't you just love my cake? Good thing we had so many left over pumpkin bars from Thanksgiving;)
Ball: 11-26-08
One of Emma's favorite things is playing with balls. She loves to roll (well, sort of) the ball back and forth. She thinks it's hilarious when she gets it back.... then she tries to eat it.
Mohawk Personal Ad: 11-25-08
" Cute little girl seeks adorable little boy, must have hair and love strained veggies. No mamma's boy's please." After Emma's bath one night, I just couldn't resist doing the Mohawk! She following in her sister's footsteps and only growing hair down the center of her head, so that's the only thing I can do.She doesn't mind that she looks like a boy:)
Baby Legs: 11-24-08
Baby Legs: 11-24-08
I just love these Baby Legs!! Of course, I would rather have different colors for around the house, but we had these from Lakin's costume and they worked. If your wondering, Baby Legs are a brand of leg warmers for baby's that I L-O-V-E!!!!!!! They are freakin adorable ( in the right color, anyway) ! Perfect for learning to crawl so it's not hard on the knees and in our case here, to keep legs warm before a bath ( and after a blowout) so we don't have to dirty an outfit. Everyone with baby girls should buy some! I'm going to buy a few more in cute colors.... just cause:)
Lakin's New Skates: 11-24-08
Courtesy of Mema, who we all know is very, very tightly wrapped around Lakins finger, we are the proud new owners of Dora skates. Lakin has been asking for them for a long time, and of course we can't make her wait.... that's unheard of!! So here she is, proudly displaying her newest prized possession ( which for now are restricted to the living room:).
EMMA GRACE: 11-12-08
Let me start out by saying that this was Vern's idea. There, that's off my chest:) I decided that since we were trying to eat dinner, that if I gave her a bowl of mashed potatoes, it would keep her occupied for a few minutes. I was right!! I assumed she would try to eat them, and that's why I was pressured into giving them to her, I wasn't sure if she was ready for them. She never tried to eat them , though. Never once did she stick her fingers in her mouth (weird, huh?). She had a lot of fun digging her fingers in them and playing with the bowl though. I did give in and gave her a bite on a spoon.... full body shivers and gagging!! It was to funny!! Needless to say, following her brother and sisters footsteps, she doesn't like mashed potatoes:)
Before you think it..... I know!!! 7 months old before I took pictures of Emma in the bath. I have a valid excuse, I swear!! My hands are always in the water. Very seldom is my husband available during bath time and I needed both hands at all times until now. At least I was able to get a few before her 1st birthday!! She LOVES the bath now, BTW.
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