I had a pretty busy weekend last weekend! Aryssa turned 5 this week! Happy Birthday, Aryssa! Anyway, I thought that for her birthday present, I would take her and Lakin out to lunch and to get their nails done then buy her a birthday outfit. Doesn't that sound like fun??!! It was! The weather could have been a little nicer, but it could have been worse, too. Sunday was her birthday "party", which :( we were the only guests. Aryssa is a sweet enough girl that she didn't notice or care. I wish my kids could be like that! Hmmmm...... what's that saying about my kids?? Well, I LOVE them anyway!! So here are the pictures of our weekend.
We started out at Applebee's. We chose here because we wanted a sit down place that would sing Happy Birthday. I suppose we should have asked that first..... I'll get to that. Anyway, we go to Applebees and get a nice little waitress who turns out to be v-eeeeeeery slow. it doesn't help that Jami and I take about 20 minutes to order. After we get our food, we ask about singing and the waitress says that they don't sing, which, come to think of it, we did tell her when we first got there that it was Aryssa's birthday and she even went as far as to ask which one (kid). So technically, we naturally assumed that they would sing. If not, don't you think she would have mentioned that when we told her it was her birthday?? See, it's the waitresses fault. So we were pretty disappointed and Jami asked if she could have cake or something and she told us " she can HAVE a sundae". Well, we just asked for our check and decided to call Chili's and see if they would sing if we came there for dessert ( I told them Applebee's wouldn't :). They said sure, come on over. Then the waitress comes with a Sundae and we tell her our plans and she says.... let me get that taken off your bill, then!!!! She charged us for it! Urgh...... so the girls didn't eat it, they just looked at it:) So after waiting for an hour and severely irritating the lady who was sitting across from us, the waitress brought back my card. That took us about an hour and 30 minutes or so. Then we were on our way to Target.............
The birthday girl!!!
Aryssa being silly while waiting

Aryssa's fabulous birthday meal
Oh yeah, the waitress did bring balloons, but I think they always do that.JPG)
Doesn't Jami look lovely???
The sundae ( is that how it's spelled??) they weren't allowed to eat
Here is the lady who didn't like our kids much... I can just imagine what she said to people about us:) She just came in to enjoy some ice cream... she only took a few bites. Really, the girls weren't even being bad. They were just playing with their balloons while waiting for our waitress. She even made a comment to one of the other waitresses about her hearing aid! How funny!! Jami wanted to follow her into the restroom and torture her some more with the girls, but I said no.... I know, a party pooper.
After finally leaving Applebees, we headed to Target to try and find an outfit. Since we went to Plainfield, that turned out to be more difficult than we had hoped. We did eventually find a cute sweater and some jeans, which I got for Lakin, too. We planned on them matching at the party on Sunday so we could get some cute pictures. We spent about an hour in here, but both girls got an outfit and Aryssa got some Hannah Montana makeup:)
We finally made it to the nail place and the girls were told to pick out their colors. They were picking some really crazy ones, too. Aryssa settled on red and blue and Lakin ( with my encouragement) settled on a really pretty purple. Aryssa went first and at the end chose green stars to put on her toes, much to Jami's disappointment. Lakin had just the purple picked out, but after seeing Aryssa's two-toned toes, wanted the same for herself. Jami, wanting Lakin to match Aryssa's colors, helped her pick out a really bright yellow and green. But Lakin LOVES her mom and listened to me and chose an almost white-ish color instead. Then she picked a little jewel and we made it look like a flower....cute. Aryssa did decide that she wanted a flower like Lakin next time. I promised we do it again on Lakin's birthday. Maybe it really will become a yearly tradition. Traditions are fun!!!!
Their be-uuuuuuuuu-tiful nail technician
She's goin in!!.JPG)
Doesn't Jami look pretty again??.JPG)
Pretty toes!!! The finished product.
Don't these smiles just say it all??
Okay, I took like, 4 pictures of the party and Jami took zero.... sorry Aryssa!!
"we did tell her when we first got there that it was Aryssa's birthday and she even went as far as to ask which one (kid)."
She was just trying not to be uncaring by asking instead of ignoring what you said is all, NOTHING more, nothing less.
"So technically, we naturally assumed that they would sing. If not, don't you think she would have mentioned that when we told her it was her birthday?? See, it's the waitresses fault."
NO, I 100% MILLION DISAGEE! You NEVER, EVER, ASSUME ANYTHING. You obviously wanted your waitress to magically READ YOUR MIND. I've got news for you, at A LOT of restaurants, there is not singing happy birthday with free cake. WHY would you just assume that all restaurants have singing? Just because she asked which kid ONLY meant she was being friendly as to whose birthday it was out of being NICE. If she wouldn't have asked which kid, you may have viewed her as uncaring or rude, wouldn't have you?
"Then the waitress comes with a Sundae and we tell her our plans and she says.... let me get that taken off your bill, then!!!! She charged us for it! Urgh."
While I 100% agree with you that she shouldn't have LIED about taking the sundae off the bill, you shouldn't expect something for free without anything going wrong, just because your child happened to be born on that particular day years ago. I would have left her nothing for LYING to me that the sundae would have been taken off the bill, because that is wrong to lie.
Think about it. Businesses are there to make money, NOT to give free food when things don't go wrong and even when things do go wrong at times, me and my husband didn't receive anything at times. What I am saying is, don't go to a restaurant expecting just because it happens to be someone's birthday, they will be comping something. WHY is it that customers think because it's their birthday, that entitles them for a restaurant to give them a free item? If something went wrong, that's different, but just to give something for free just to do it is wrong in my eyes. WHY, just because it's your child's birthday you get a free whatever, but the next person at the table doesn't receive the same free item? Even though you may say go on your own birthday to get it too, still, if I don't go on my birthday due to most of the time, it falls on a weekday that I have work anyways, I still should be entitled to the same free item your child gets out of being FAIR.
I truly don't get why you ASSUMED the staff would sing to your kid? NOT ALL RESTAURANTS DO THAT!! NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING, EVER, because it makes you like an idiot.
"all of applebees competitors give free bday sundaes, cake, etc. so yes most people do expect that from a restaurant."
You still shouldn't expect something for free when NOTHING went wrong. You should pay for things you order if nothing went wrong like everyone else has to.
Just because the competitors do it, has NOTHING to do with that particular restaurant's policies. I cannot believe you expect things to be free in this world.
"she was just saying the waitress made it sound that the ice cream was free since it was her bday."
What do you call this:
"let me get that taken off your bill, then!!!!"
Isn't that what the waitress said? If that's not a lie, I don't know what is then, because in my eyes, it's a LIE.
"who goes and reads randoms peoples blogs anyway?"
WHY have a blog if you don't want ANYONE to read it?
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