Emma's First Sippy Cup!!
On the 25th of October, I gave Emma her first try at a sippy cup. A very cute sippy cup, I might add:) I didn't really expect her to drink out of it yet, I just wanted to introduce her to it so that in a few months, she'd know what it was when she really needs to be using it. She surprised me though! As soon as we gave it to her, she bit on it then started sucking away!! She was a natural! This is a new cup from NUK and the nipple is pretty rubbery like the ones on her bottles, so I figured it would be a good cup to start out with, apparently, I was right. I had only put in 3 oz of water and 1/2 oz. of baby apple juice, but she didn't mind, she LOVED it! As you can see in these pictures, she just took right to it. She drank almost all of it before it got thrown down. She hasn't figured out that you have to tip it of course, she can't even hold her bottle yet, but she knows how to drink out of it and she likes it! I try to give it to her at least once a day, usually with just water, sometimes with juice mixed in, in the hopes that she will be off the bottle at 13 months like her sister was!
Just Loungin
I just had to grab my camera and get these pictures of Emma in this position before she stops doing it anymore. She really likes to lay like this. I'm not sure why, but usually she's trying to look behind her, and she likes it! She does this on her own after sitting for awhile. She'll just lay back and hang her head and look all around, but her favorite is looking in this semi up-side down way. She is learning how to sit up from this position on her own , though! She's got a little lift from the boppy and she'll grab the sides and pull herself up. Some times she even gets it!
Gavin loves his baby sister and plays with her a lot. She always has a smile for him, too. Here, she was starting to fuss, so he made it all better by singing and bicycling her legs. She went from a cry to a squeal!;)
Just some pictures of Lakin one day after school. She is playing with my bronzer ( which she loves to do) and I thought I would snap a few pictures.
Lakin got these glasses at her school from one of the other little kids and we just had to take pictures. Especially of Emma. Isn't she funny?!!
Well, Friday was the perfect night for trick-or-treating. Two great years in a row! We couldn't have asked for better weather. I just love that the kids can go out and not have to wear heavy coats that hide their costumes! Anyway, I bought Marley a little bumble bee costume that matched Lakin's and planned on bringing him trick-or-treating with us. Unfortunately he was WAY to dirty and mangy to go out in public ( I didn't have time to give him his every-other-day bath) with us, so he was restricted to at home pictures and then the laundry room. Poor Marley. He doesn't really care for his costume( I don't understand!?) so he wasn't really cooperating for the pictures, not to mention his dirty-ness, but you get the picture.
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