We started out our holiday on the Sunday before at my dad's. I didn't bring my camera, so there are no pictures from there. We had all of the food you would expect, except for sweet potatoes, but I don't like those anyway. Then on Thursday we went to Vern's brother's house, for the Ridgway T-day. Again, the food you would expect, with lot's of leftovers. We hung out there most of the afternoon then loaded up the kids for the drive home. Friday, for those of you who forgot, was my birthday and Black Friday, of course. So I drug myself out of bed at 4:20 and met mom and Caitlin at the Greencastle Wal-Mart to battle the crowds. It was definitely more crowded than last year, but no to bad. We got everything we came for. I was going to go on in to Avon and do some more shopping, but there really wasn't anything I needed from those stores, so I just came home, instead.
My house was just waking when I walked in and my darling son, after just coming from his room, came and hugged me and told me Happy Birthday while wiping the sleep from his eyes...... awwwwww!! Then after making me wait for an hour because I didn't wake him up when I left, my husband gave me my birthday present!! Which was a VERY good one, I might add... sometimes he can be wonderful:) I did some on-line shopping , Vern went in to see what was left of the sales a t wal-mart and sears, then I ran to a toy store on the square to browse for some more gifts for the kids. We ordered Mexican for dinner and used leftover pumpkin bars for my cake! Lakin was dying to sing me Happy Birthday, so I had to come up with something. There are pictures, I'll post them later.
Saturday, we loaded up to go to mom's, where we enjoyed Pizza Hut pizza and bread sticks, with no cheese, thanks to my dummy brother, for our T-day dinner:) The kids enjoy it ( so do I!) and it's sooooo much easier. Besides, by then, we are usually all turkey-ed out.
I hope everyone had a great day!! I'm posting a Random November pictures post, so don't be surprised to get another e-mail in a day or so.
Mom's Thanksgiving 11-29-08