Friday, December 30, 2011

Scarecrow - October 2011

We used to go all out with holiday decorations...but the past 3 or 4 years...we have seriously fallen off the decorating wagon. Every year I vow to do better, because I really do love when there are fall and Christmas and Easter things everywhere...but every year, I realize I don't have nearly as many ( or hardly any!!) decorations as I thought I did...that of course makes me think.."why bother??".  Maybe 2012 will be my  year :)

We did convince daddy to get us a few straw bales so we could make a scarecrow...however..we couldn't convince him to stake it up, so he didn't last for long.  That was about the extent of our Halloween decorating, but the kids had fun.  Somehow, it turned into a straw fight, which meant straw covering the entire yard...but hey...what's a little bitty mess when you can hear those laughs?!?

Apparently my art skills are lacking.  This was supposed to be a boy...the lips sort of threw off that whole idea. ;)

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