Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!

                                                       Merry Christmas Everyone!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  We are very blessed and couldn't have asked for a better one! I would have liked to be able to see more of my family...and I know this is NOT and excuse...but everyone (or myself) just lives so far away and everything is always so hectic and crazy. I'm really going to have to make the time to visit more often....I haven't seen everyone in FOREVER!

My goal to get all of my pictures up before the New Year....doesn't look like it's going to happen.



I still have a chance, but only because I took,like, zero pictures in the month of November.  And if I don't post our vacation pictures, I still might be able to make it happen...so I take my earlier statement back...

I HAVE NOT FAILED....yet! :) :)

Again...hope everyone an awesome Christmas Day and that you all have wonderful and SAFE New Years!

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