Friday, December 30, 2011

Lakin Ann_ September 30, 2011

Just a few pictures that a took of Lakin one afternoon after school....she's not very willing anymore, so I snag the chance whenever I get it!

It's not very often that I can still see the "baby" in Lakin anymore, but this is one of those rare moments that I still can.  So glad I snapped this picture of her pouty face...she's growing up so fast, it makes my head spin.  This is definitely a bittersweet brings tears to my eyes knowing this is one of the last glimpses I'll have of her "baby looks" while making me smile at the same time.

Scarecrow - October 2011

We used to go all out with holiday decorations...but the past 3 or 4 years...we have seriously fallen off the decorating wagon. Every year I vow to do better, because I really do love when there are fall and Christmas and Easter things everywhere...but every year, I realize I don't have nearly as many ( or hardly any!!) decorations as I thought I did...that of course makes me think.."why bother??".  Maybe 2012 will be my  year :)

We did convince daddy to get us a few straw bales so we could make a scarecrow...however..we couldn't convince him to stake it up, so he didn't last for long.  That was about the extent of our Halloween decorating, but the kids had fun.  Somehow, it turned into a straw fight, which meant straw covering the entire yard...but hey...what's a little bitty mess when you can hear those laughs?!?

Apparently my art skills are lacking.  This was supposed to be a boy...the lips sort of threw off that whole idea. ;)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!

                                                       Merry Christmas Everyone!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  We are very blessed and couldn't have asked for a better one! I would have liked to be able to see more of my family...and I know this is NOT and excuse...but everyone (or myself) just lives so far away and everything is always so hectic and crazy. I'm really going to have to make the time to visit more often....I haven't seen everyone in FOREVER!

My goal to get all of my pictures up before the New Year....doesn't look like it's going to happen.



I still have a chance, but only because I took,like, zero pictures in the month of November.  And if I don't post our vacation pictures, I still might be able to make it I take my earlier statement back...

I HAVE NOT FAILED....yet! :) :)

Again...hope everyone an awesome Christmas Day and that you all have wonderful and SAFE New Years!

Fall Leaves - October 2011

The kids decided they wanted to jump in the leaves....the only problem with this is the fact that we lack actual "trees".  Our yard consists of 5 or 6 really tall twigs. :) They worked so hard trying to collect all the leaves they could, and were so wore out after running all over the entire yard, they barely got to enjoy their tiny, measley pile.
Every year our twigs get a little fuller and shed a little more maybe next year they will have more luck! :)