Doesn't Dawson look " coooollll"
Monday is here, and I am so very, very tired. I was up early on Thursday for Ava's arrival and was up late for some reason unknown to me now. Back up early on Friday, with plans on going back to the hospital, but that, unfortunately, didn't happen:(. I went to the Greencastle parade Friday night, and was up late again trying to get last minute things ready for our trip to Holiday World Saturday morning. Of course, early to bed on Saturday didn't happen, and I was exhausted!! Back up early Sunday morning ( still very tired, after almost NO sleep ( to be explained later)), and finally, in bed before 11:00 Sunday night. I was so tired when Emma woke up about 3:30 this morning ( again , to be explained later), that I literally made her bottle with my eyes closed. Then back up at 6:30 ( eyes, unfortunately, open this time), and finally up for good at 8:15 ( man it is HOT in here.... is it that hot outside??). Other than feeling like I haven't slept in days, my weekend was pretty okay.
Let' s start with the parade on Friday night. I took Lakin and the boys, with Harry and Michael, to the parade Friday. It was the typical small town parade... marching band, every fire truck the county owns blaring horns right in front of us, 4-H ers, small businesses, lots of now-or-laters thrown to the kids, people, that as far as I know, had no purpose in the parade other than that they just wanted to walk, and all of the other things you usually see. Except for the Shriner's, you know, the annoying little motorcycles that most people love, but that I want to run out in front of and make wreck ( just kidding). I just hate how they almost, just barely, miss the kids standing by the street. Is it just me, or do they really, accidentally, on purpose try to run little people over? I don't think it's my imagination. I know these Shriner fellows raise lots of money for good causes ( don't they?) and have to wear those ridiculous hats, but I really think they should be banned from parades. Maybe one day I'll find the motivation to petition it...I doubt it. The kids were SO super excited for the first 5 seconds, and then were over it. It was hot, and we were in the sun, so you can't blame them. Besides, how can you expect them to be interested in cars and snow plows for forever, when they couldn't even hold my interest for 5 minutes? The highlights.... Lakin's face when she saw the 4-H queens and princesses. The first queen came riding up on top of her convertible, with her all white dress and gigantic crown, smiling and waving, and Lakin's jaw dropped! A REAL LIVE princess!! She got this little "ahhhh" smile on her face and just started waving back. We had a similar experience with the little girl princesses, but with that I think I saw envy. Not to mention that I think the smaller one was checking out my boys:) Who can blame her? Jami and I made handsome babies! I was able to get her face while waving to the queen, but I had my camera on the wrong setting so most of my pictures are really bright. But you can see enough. The next major moment came when she found her life's calling... the cheerleaders! She just started grinning , looking at me then them, then pointing, to make sure I saw. Of course, she HAD to cheer along with them, so she was clapping and bouncing and putting her arms out... to cute! I love girls!! ( Have me read this in 10 years!) before It was over, the kids retreated to the sidewalk ( in the shade), and decided to race. Poor Harry was the only one left standing by the street, with her very heavy purse full of candy:) Then, of course, Dawson had to use the bathroom, which I assumed meant # 1, so I told him to wait a few minutes, he said okay. About 5 minutes later, he was back about to " poop his pants" and willing to go behind the bushes. Uh-oh. The car was pretty far away. hmmmm... Then Lakin had to go pee-pee. Double uh-oh. So we pack up the chairs and trudge to the car and to a gas station, only to hear that Dawson is " just going to wait cause' the bathroom is probably dirty". Little brat.... But I was thirsty anyway, and so were the kids, so we all got something to drink. So as far as parades go, it wasn't to bad. After we got home, I was going to finish cleaning so I could come home to a clean house on Sunday, but with Emma just waking up, it didn't happen. Not to mention, I was trying to get the kids in bed at a decent time ( it was already 8:30) , so they weren't tired in the morning. So goodnight messy house.
Saturday... Woke up at 5:30, fed Emma, took a shower ( wanted fresh shaved legs), did last minute bag checking, woke up kids, got everyone dressed, Gavin crying because he banged his knee, spent an hour ( not really) arguing about how many bags the kids really needed to bring, got all T.V's ( I guess we needed three?), movies, games etc.. loaded, packed everything Emma would possibly need for a day and a half, Gavin crying again because he bumped his head, loaded up Marley's things ( Tracy was picking him up at Richard and Harry's house..thanks Tracy!), made sure the other animals had food and water, and loaded everyone in the car. On to Harry's to drop off my baby (:(, I didn't even cry! but did feel rather nauseous), and the puppy. A quick ( or not so quick) stop at Casey's for gas and breakfast for me ( not a big McDonald's in the morning fan anymore) ( Marley's chewing on my computer cords....) and a stop at Spencer's McDonald's for everyone else. Then we are officially on our way. Of course, the kid I least expect it from, ( Dawson), starts complaining about being in the car for to long after only 45 minutes. Fun, Fun!! We get to Jasper, and since we are ahead of everyone else, stop at an Old National to get some cash. Then Lakin is about to pee her pants, so on to Burger King, where Gavin gets the door opened on his big toe, which starts bleeding, by none other than Vern, who he's insisting did it on purpose. On to the gas station to find a band-aid, which of course doesn't have one, but we found one in Vern's briefcase. Way to be prepared, maybe he was a boyscout. For those of you who don't know, when my son gets hurt, he cries like his leg just got cut off. Dramatic doesn't even explain it. So we had to listen to this ( along with Lakin saying be quiet, it will be okay) for the next 25 minutes. Finally, we make it to Santa Claus and it only took 25 minutes to get to the actual parking lot. However, we had to wait an hour for everyone else to get there. After we all finally get tickets and get inside, we get hydrated and bladders emptied, taking all of 30 minutes. Finally, we head to the water park. First stop was the Lazy River, which is tubes that you float on down a "river". I asked Caitlin if she could handle the boys, and she said yes. Then Vern decided to take Lakin, and Josh ran after with Alexis. Then mom decided to take Aleyah and I told Jerry ( who was feeling sorry for me) to go ahead, too. So here I was, not able to get in the water, in 90+ degree heat, sun beating down, no water, feeling slightly faint, waiting for about 30 minutes. Poor me.... First came mom and Aleyah, with Gavin in tow. Mom was mad. Apparently, she came across Gavin, floating by himself, with no one around. Great. Then came Jerry, then Vern and Lakin. I was not happy with my husband, until he explained to me that Josh, Alexis, Caitlin, Gavin, and Dawson were gone before he even got himself and Lakin in the tube. Mom even passed him, so I suppose, he would have eventually came across Gavin. We waited about 20 minutes, and still no Josh and Caitlin, so Vern and I went to get something to drink, before I passed out from heat exposure. By now I'm worried. How do I know if they have Dawson? They obviously weren't watching for Gavin, and they never came to check if we had him, so as far as we know Dawson was just floating around the river by himself. Vern's worried, too, so he goes off in search of a little boy. Finally after about another 20 minutes, they appear, with Dawson. Mom was mad..she yelled at them. Ha-Ha, they deserved it! We let the little kids swim in the kiddie pool for awhile, then decided to go in search of food ( Vern was starving) and ride some rides. Well, from here on, it was chaotic. Lakin and Aleyah wanted to ride the little rides, with Lakin having a meltdown moment, Vern and Gavin went off to the bumper cars, Alexis and Dawson wanted to ride the big rides, mom and Jerry went in search of Caitlin ( who was still in the swim area), it was crazy!! Finally, after about an hour of everyone, everywhere, we went to eat and cool off. Took a break, regrouped, found Rachel, Payne and David. Then we all ( except mom, Lakin, and Gavin ( he chickend out after someone threw up)) rode the Rapid River? I fianlly got to ride a ride, yeah. Anyway, after that, mom took the two little ones, Rachel and Dave took the three boys to play games, Vern, Josh, Jerry, and Caitlin went to the rollar coasters, and I took Alexis to ride rides. Finally, some order! Of course, then time flew by, so before we knew it,
Oh yeah... just a little funny... Gavin wanted to know why "his penis gets long when he messes with it". Ummm.... how do I answear this one? Actually, I didn't. I decided to let Vern handle it when he got home. How funny is that?
Lakin, before leaving the house
Lakin, in the kiddie pool
1 comment:
you should like write a book, professionaly, you're so funny! i can't stop laughing, i can't actually laugh since my stomach muscles were torn threw but i'm making some sort of noise that resembles a laugh. you didn't get many pics at holiday world huh? stop pouting and take pics, j-k, heheheehe. i like the fair pics though, i stole some :)
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