mom, cutting her cake...( I guess you could have figured that out)
not sure what she's doing here......
Well...... she's made it...50. That means I'M getting old! My darling siblings and I had a surprise birthday party for our mom on Sunday at the park in Avon. I really think we pulled off the surprise part, she really didn't seem to know anything about it. The turn out was pretty bad, though. For everyone who didn't show...... poo poo on you! ( it's the nicest way of putting it) We had lots of food ( and lots of food leftover), and it all turned out pretty good. The chicken was really yummy ( but of course, it was prepared by yours truly), the fruit bowl was pretty( and mom got lots of fruit to bring home!), the potato salad got rave reviews, like always ( thanks Harry!), and all of the other things I slaved over(;), turned out well. I think the best part for mom was Vicky. The three of us put our heads ( and our Internet) together and were able to find a couple of old friends of mom's. Only one of them was able to make it, but that's okay. I think I heard one of them say it's been over 30 years since they had seen each other! It took mom a minute to realize who she was, but she figured it out, and it was fun! Mom said she just saw some strange woman holding Emma, and was trying to figure out who it was. What a surprise! They exchanged numbers and are going to stay in touch:) So it wasn't a complete loss! I wasn't able to get very many pictures:(, my youngest child decided she was going to have a screaming fit for most of the party, but here are a few. Happy birthday mom, we love you!! I am truly blessed to have one of the best mom's ever! You never fail to go above and beyond to make sure we are happy. Not to mention you are by far the best memaw ever! We love you soooooooo much and can never truly re-pay everything that you do for us... just know that you are appreciated and loved. Now, for a lighter note.... I just wanted to tell everyone about Lakin's little stripper moment at the park before the party. The girls were playing while we were waiting, and all of the sudden Lakin comes down the slide and stands up. I notice that she's doing her "potty dance", her legs crossed, her bootie out, sort of bouncing up and down. So I grab her hand and say " come on, hurry!", well, we didn't hurry fast enough. I look down and my feet are being splashed...yes..Lakin pee. Right there in the recycled tire bedding. I tell her to stop her pee( which is one of her new favorite skills) and we hobble to the bathroom, dripping a trail the whole way. We make it to the toilet, but not ON the toilet. She just finishes, right there on the floor in front of the potty. Fun. So now we are wet and stinky. We strip her in the bathroom and of course there are no paper towels, saving trees and all that, so I put her dress ( the extra one I brought) on her and we go and get some paper towels that we had brought for the party. After wiping her down, she thinks she's going to go right back and play. Well... mommy doesn't have any extra panties. Duh!! I had the foresight to call Vern and ask him to bring some, just in case, but of course he wasn't there yet. Lakin wasn't having anything to do with waiting to play until daddy got there, so she takes off right up the stairs and down the slide....oops!! She managed to fall ( after giving everyone a, if I must say, very cute rear shot, going up the ladder), and of course she has the legs fully spread..HELLO!! If you could have seen some of the other parents faces! Trying to look as if they didn't care, or it wasn't that funny, or embarrassing! They definitely didn't look at me! So I had to refuse to let her play any longer, and she moped, and pouted. Poor Lakin. However, we were saved by Dawson. I remembered that I had his suitcase in the car, so I got her a pair of his undies ( good thing he's so small!) and put them on her. The day was saved! I now have extra panties in my car and the diaper bag, which if I was a good mom, I would of already had. Hey, I suppose it happens to the best of us! Enjoy the pictures and the rest of your day!
Nice pictures of your mom's birthday. But you forgot to say happy birtday to your step-mom.
happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to kathy happy birthday to you. well now i'm mad too, all of you people forgot my birthday. how come i know your mom was crying when she read this... i can see her now in her elmo scrubs boo hooin... hehe. you are fantabulous theresa!!! and yes your cousin looks like lakin!!
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