Saturday night we went to Kayla's ( Vern's cousin) graduation party at Cox's lake. It was a really nice party! To me what defines a good party is if my kids had fun, and they all ( well, excluding Emma) had a blast! Before I know it, I'm going to be the one having one of those for my baby's...but for now we'll just deal with getting through elementary and pre-school! No reason to think that far ahead. Really, it seemed like the party turned out well, and you could tell Vern and Trish were very proud! The weather was great, it got a little chilly later on, but nothing a sweatshirt couldn't handle. Of course, just when the volleyball game got started, Emma had a gassy moment, and we had to leave, but hey, the joy's of kids! Anyway, here are some pictures, even though I didn't get that many, I was to busy playing with the new love of my life ( Trish's camera). She is going to try and get me a copy of the CD though, so I may have more yet... I took A LOT with her camera! But here are a few that I liked....enjoy!
Ericka, Chase, Byron, & Elizabeth......... Peddle, Peddle, Peddle!!!!
Yum! Cupcakes!
Lakin just relaxin
Lakin loves bubbles!
Your turn! Bloooowwww.......
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