A lot has happened in two days! But we'll star with Monday... Emma smiled for the first time!! And it was at me! Lakin's first was at Gavin, and didn't grace me with one for a long time after. Of course "mama" was. like, her 4th sound, too. It WILL be Emma's first! She loves me!
Yesterday, we went to Emma's 1 month well-child. She's doing great! She weighed 9lbs 4.5oz., which put her right under the 50th %-tile. She is 22.4 in. long, putting her at the 90th %-tile ( no surprise there!). Her head was only at about the 20th, at about 14 in., I think. So she doesn't have a massive head like Lakin! Her weight to height ratio ( whatever that means, think I'll ask next time), put her right under 5%. We are going to switch to Gentle ease formula, and see if that will help with her gassiness. If not, I'm supposed to let them know, and they will check for reflux. Now, about reflux. I doubt I'll take their advise on this, but only because I've read in 3 different articles, that it is VERY highly miss-diagnosed. Like 80 some % of babies that they say have it, don't really. I have no urge to buy $10 bottles and give my daughter medicine every day if she doesn't need it. Of course, I will bring this up with her doctor, and see if she can convince me that it will actually help her, but those articles have me leery. We will see. They also said that she most likely is having allergy problems, but at her age, there isn't really anything we can do to help her, which I kind of figured. We'll just have to watch her as she gets older, and try to avoid things that make her uncomfortable. I am beginning to believe that she ( and I) have a severe, VERY severe reaction to Mister, therefore, he needs to go far, far away.
So, we went to Lakin's preschool yesterday to pay her registration fee and secure her spot in their class for September. She was SO excited when I told her where we were at! She spread out her arms, and began run/hopping down the sidewalk, singing, very happily, " my school" "my school", over and over. When the director opened the door, she said " this is my new school!". It was so freakin cute! As soon as we were in, she took off. She was gone. She came back, on her own, thank goodness, and we went into the office. The first thing she said is " where's the paints?" We've had endless discussions about all the things there are to do at school. The cuteness lasted a very short time... it was time to leave. Let's just say she was EXTREMELY unhappy about this. This school is probley thinking terrible thoughts about my parenting. Last year I have one who requires 4 adults to use bodily force, just so I could leave. And now here's one who almost needed the same to get her to leave. Maybe when it's Emma's turn, we will have a happy in-between. ( note: so far gentle-ease not helping... maybe even worse??)
And finally, some VERY happy news... I'm going to be an aunt....again!! Josh knocked some one up..... just kidding! Congrats to John and Heather! It's about time! Now Emma will have a cousin close to her age! Fun, I got all my kids covered, now if only they actually saw each other....... Well, if you need any advise, I'm your man ( or woman ,I guess), I've sorta become a pro on this whole havin babies thing! It's hard for me to imagine Heather as a mommy, and even harder to imagine John being Daddy.. he'll actually have to TOUCH a newborn! But I know that they will be great! Stretch marks and all!!! he-he, just kidding again ( I hope) ! Hm mm.. what am I going to name this child??? I'll have to think about it, I'll let you know. I've already decided it's a girl. Heather, don't buy a name book, I have one here, along with a list of all the good ones...
I'll mail it to ya... that way you'll get it before Christmas!
I'll mail it to ya... that way you'll get it before Christmas!
I think that's it for now, everyone have a wonderful, windy, yucky Wednesday! Oh yeah, I get to go visit my O. B tomorrow ( I miss him, actually), I'll be sure to inform all of you about my tortures in the stirrups and my boob massage ( eek!) ! I know you will all be eagerly awaiting!
I caught Emma mid-sneeze!
The kids and I were taking a walk, and I was playing with my new camera.jpg)

Lakin after doing her own makeup... isn't she pretty!!!
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