Friday, July 31, 2009

Random July pictures

Just some random pictures taken this month. Amazingly, there aren't very many, but I guess I just haven't been in a picture taking mood. Not to mention that we really haven't done much this's been a really slow summer:(

She's such a silly girl:)

For some reason, Emma was just cheesin"!!:)

This is The Professor.....He's our new addition. He's so stinkin cute:) We went and picked him up on Tuesday night. He's a Westie, or a West Highland Terrier. I was set on a Yorkie, but decided not to chance getting another dog that's may not be good with kids. Westie's are supposed to be excellant family dogs, so I guess now we just wait and see!! But I love him and he loves me!:) His full name is Professor Jack, BTW. We call him Jack;)

Emma's cute little ruffles:)

Gavin & The professor

Josh & Aleyah

Alexis, gavin & mom

Not a very flattering picture of me...I have an excuse...I had a semi-hangover:)

striken a pose

This picture is all blurry...but it makes me laugh:)

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