Thursday, May 7, 2009

Nursery Rhymes

Here is what Lakin learned at school this week. They worked on a new one each day and she just couldn't wait to show me her new "song":) Since they learn these in Kindergarten, this is good because she'll already know them. As you can hear in her voice, she is so proud! Doesn't she sound so grown up? Tear,tear,sob,sob........ They will probably focus on more of them next year in preschool, but she picked up on these three just like that!! I think since she loves music so much and they are teaching them like a song, that it makes it easier for her.


jamilee said...

omgosh how cute is that! she's soooo grown up. she even sounds like a little girl not a baby anymore. it is sad!! tear tear... so freaking cute though!

Anonymous said...

Tell her that was wonderful. I'm so proud of her. I can't believe how fast she is growing up the boys will be taking her out next. Love mamie