Thursday, January 1, 2009


Merry late Christmas (again) everyone!! I say again cause' I'm pretty sure I already said that on my last post. Anyway, I'm a little behind and over the next couple of days, I'm probably going to be posting quite a few pictures. Be prepared for a few e-mails on Monday! I have New Years pictures, random December pictures ( there are a lot of those!) and Emma will be 9 months on Monday, soooo.........

Here are the pictures from Christmas morning at our house. I wanted to put up a few more, but my internet decided this was enough. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New year!!

This year, I was lazy when it came to making Christmas cookies. I used pre-made cookie dough. Last year, I went all out and made at least 4 different types of cookies and homemade dough.... I know, I'm slacking. Maybe next year, Emma will be older, I won't be quite so tired all the time:) The first few pictures are of the kids decorating. Lakin was sooo excited about leaving cookies and milk for santa! She had to be the one to put them on the desk ( where Gavin left his note) and to pour Santa a glass of milk.... so cute!! She was a little upset with me because I forgot carrots for the reindeer, but I assured her that they liked cookies, too. Santa even left a little note, thanking them for the cookies and letting them know little things to work on for making sure they get presents for next year, this of course was me helping me:)

First bite of their creations

This is the letter Gavin left for Santa on the computer. Sad that this will probably be his last year to believe:(

Christmas morning!!!

This food is so much fun!! It really feels like your cutting.

The new Christmas dress for Lakin's baby ( who she refuses to name)
Oh, BTW. Emma is officially crawling!! She started last night. Just yesterday morning she would take a few little crawls and fall, but last night she was going like a pro!! It's about time:) Now if we can just get her to talk........

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