First off, I had a request for a side-by-side of Lakin and Emma at the same age. I went through my pictures and found Lakin's 6 month chair pictures to compare. It is truly amazing how easily you can forget that your baby was so ugly!! My gosh! Lakin was truly a very ugly baby. Now I wonder if I'll think the same about Emma, because I know I thought Lakin was ugly in the very beginning, but I think that by this time I had begun to see the cuteness appearing..... boy was I wrong!! My first thought was Emma is way cuter than Lakin was, but when I put them next to each other, there isn't a whole lot of difference. Except of course that Lakin was FAT!! Do you see those feet and ankles? Not to mention that round face? I think she had like 6 rolls on each thigh. If you look real close you can actually see a roll in her ankle:) Anyway, I can't actually put them side by side, but on top of one another. See what you think!
I guess Emma isn't the only one who was more interested in eating the chair:)
So Emma had her first baby food! We tried carrots first and yesterday was day three, so today we tried green beans... but back to the carrots. I figured the first bite would bring a terrible face, but I didn't get much a reaction at all. I was so disappointed! Our first go round she ate over half of the container of food! That evening though, she only ate a few bites. Sunday after she ate at lunch, she got a little bit of a rash around her mouth. It was only where the food actually touched her skin, but I worried for a minute and debated on whether or not to feed her anymore. She was also VERY fussy on Sunday. Hmmm.... reaction to carrots or not???? I went ahead and tried to feed her some more Sunday evening, but she wasn't very responsive. Monday, lunch was skipped (oops!) and again at dinner I didn't get very far. She just wasn't interested in eating what I was giving. She was also fussy still yesterday, so again I wondered if it had something to do with the carrots, and decided that after we switched to the green beans, if she was still cranky, I'd wait on anymore food until I talked to her doctor. Today she hasn't been to bad, though, so maybe it wasn't the food after all. She was chewin pretty hard last night and that tooth still hasn't came out yet, so maybe it was her teeth. She didn't have much of a reaction to the beans today, either. I want a yucky face picture! After about two bites, though, she developed lock jaw. Apparently, she doesn't care for the greens so far. We try again tonight! After three days of beans we are switching to peas (yuck) which I doubt will have a very good reaction. I don't think I've ever seen a baby like peas. Blah!!
This is as close as I came to a "yucky face"
Here are just some random pictures that I thought I would post. There's really no reason why, but I do that a lot:)
Now if you look real close, you'll see something that she's doing in ALL of the following pictures
Lakin was a little chunky butt! :) I think they definitely have the same ears!! Too cute! :)
And I thought my kids were ugly :) J/K I can not belive how much they look alike I was sure that they did not. I like Emma's food pictures
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