Alexis opening her new bedroom set!
My gosh!!! Yesterday was the most hectic party that I've had yet!! The day started out with me starting my womanly cycle..again.. after only 4 days of being off. My house wasn't yet clean, so I had to do that AND care for my darling baby, Emma. Of course, during all of this, my husband is no where to be found, I suppose he was doing something like sweeping the driveway:) Finally, at about 12:30, after having not seen him all day, I called him. Of course he was at his dad's, talking. Which is all fine and good, but not when I'm about to pull my hair out and could have used some help. Not to mention that he was supposed to pick up a cake and 5 pizzas by 1:30. MEN!! The pizza was sort of a last minute idea. We knew it was supposed to rain, so we figured pizza would be easier so Vern didn't have to cook in the rain. That didn't work out as well as we had planned, of course. Josh and the girls got here about 1:00, by this time the rain had slowed a little, but the wind was starting to pick up. Vern called, said he was on his way home. I went out to make sure everything outside that could blow away was safe, since we were in a wind advisory. Wonderful weather for a party!! Josh was trying out my new Wii Fit ( which by the way, I LOVE, and if for no other reason, should send everyone right out to buy a Wii!) , and the electricity flashed, uh-oh. It came right back on, but at my house, someone can blow on a power line and the power will go out for hours. About 10 minutes later, it was out for good. Rachel and the boys got here, right after Vern called with the news that I needed to call everyone and tell them to go down 231, because there was a tree down, blocking the road from the other way. This, of course, is why we were without power. Now I'm planning on no power until at least this morning!! I'm sorta stressing now. i have $50 worth of pizza and hungry people coming to a party where there is no electricity, so no way to cook the food. So I start calling people, telling them to take another route and to eat on the way. I just figured we'd be eating a lot of pizza this week! Vern gets home and convinces me that we should cancel until next weekend. It makes sense, but the kids were going to be VERY disappointed. So Rachel and I start calling and canceling. Then I decide that this is stupid. We can just have cake and ice cream, open presents and send everyone home. I really didn't want to have to deal with the hassle of freezing cakes and pizza. So we call everyone back...again. Of course everyone was late, but that's okay. We sent Josh to the store to pick up some things for those of us already here who hadn't had lunch. Of course, by this time, people were starting to show up.. we couldn't eat in front of them. So I tell him to buy more. He gets home, we get the grill started (it's going on 2:45) get some food going.... the power comes back on! Of course, after we go to the store and spend even more money. So I start cooking some pizzas! Luckily, the satellite was working, and everyone stayed occupied watching it. The party didn't really get started until after the game was over. We let the kids open their presents ( thanks everyone!!) and had cake and ice cream. Then most people left. Vern got the go-cart out for the kids that were left, and I put Emma down for a nap. Emma BTW, did wonderful!! She must have been ill, or something, because she let EVERYONE hold her. I'm not really sure what was going on with her, but I wasn't complaining! After adding layers to all the children left and dressing in sweats since It felt like November out, I relaxed. josh and the girls left, Lakin played with her Dora phone ( thanks memaw) Gavin built many bionicles ( again, thanks, memaw), Vern and I sat on the couch and enjoyed the calm. Emma was still asleep, so it was easy to remember ( and sort of miss:) I love you Emma!!), our pre--Emma days. It was so much calmer!! Those days will come again. Then she woke up..... so basically, other than everything that went wrong, it went okay. Thanks everyone for dealing with the chaos, the kids loved their presents!! Now we will see everyone again in...... November, Thanksgiving. Sad, isn't it?? Oh, yeah.. I got to see little Taylor Lynn for the first time! Only a few more months, and we will have another addition to the family! Anyway, everyone have a great week!! P.S. Considering all the crazyness, I took VERY few pictures. I gave my camera to dad to take some, but by that time we were halfway through the party:(
Say cheese Aleyah!
Cakes, cakes, cakes!!
i wanna see gavins teeth, or no teeth. he's mad at me for not coming, isnt he? i can see it in that one picture, hehehe. well at least it turned out ok despite the hurricane!!
i wanna see gavins teeth, or no teeth. he's mad at me for not coming, isnt he? i can see it in that one picture, hehehe. well at least it turned out ok despite the hurricane!!
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