Okay, I had to put these pictures of Lakin on here. We bought her a Dora trunk full of dress up clothes for Christmas this year. Of course I knew she would just LOVE it!! The age on this said 4-6yrs. So, even taking into consideration that
my daughter is slightly larger than the average 2yr. old, I figured that they would fit, evn be a little bit big. Obviously, as you can all see, I was wrong. There is no way that my baby is as big as the average 6yr. old girl! Am I in denial here? It has to be a mistake on the makers part, right? RIGHT? Tell me I'm right!!! Is my little girl going to be a 7ft. tall amazon? Will she never be able to wear heels? She will slow down, right? I just really don't think she's that big ( I can shop in the girls section now, though, (xs 4/5) on some things.....) I guess I can just hope she has an awesome athletic ability, which she will not inherit from her mother, who can barely walk w/out tripping over her own feet.... WNBA anyone?
She will grow out of this. Remember they say you was just like that. There is always 6x
Where is Gavin? I bet he would look cute in Dora clothes!!!
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