Monday, April 19, 2010


My pretty Lakin Ann..

The Girls

The girls and I were outside playing one morning last week and Lakin and I were drwaing with chalk. I realized Emma had been pretty quiet for awhile and when I looked up at her, this is what I found........

I'm not really sure where the chocolate came from, but I have a feeling it was an Easter leftover...gross...

Everytime you try to take this child's picture....POSE!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lakin Ann

this picture goes on the bottom, but for some stupid reason, it's not allowing me to move my pictures here it shall stay!!!


Just some pictures where I just had to grab my camera....I just love this jacket...and of course the BEEEE-autiful little girl!! ;)


Lakin is never scared of the camera...and you can bet that when one is pointed her way, she's is going to go straight into a pose

Emma 3-26-10

mmmmmm...that's some gooooood stuff!!! ;)

Emma 3-19-10

She REALLY wants to ride on these go-carts!!