Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas at Dad's

Alexis being silly
Emma and Taylor trying out their new horses from mamie and papie...

I'll just leave it at....... we tried :)

something was funny here, I guess :)

Josh & Lexi

Lakin & Aleyah


Payne and his friend Tylor

Emma and one of the endless cookies she seemed to have that night..... thanks uncles and aunts!!!

Lakin's Christmas Program

Lakin was pretty excited about her Christmas program this year. Of course as soon as she walked in she had to say " mama..dada...". Reverting to baby talk is normal for Lakin ;) Vern was videotapeing it, but apparently hit the button twice, so he wasn't recording anything. By the time he realized this, he had missed the part of Emma making making noise in the quiet and Lakin telling everyone " that was just my baby sister " !! :) The one thing I really wanted on camera!!! :( All of the kids were adorable and did a great job.....I'll miss these programs....and...sob....this is her last year of...sob.....preschool :( :(getting ready for her part in the Merry Christmas recital... and there she goes... " M is for good mince meat..."

She was the black Kwanza candle, which stands for something, but I can't remember what

Silent night......Laying down her sweet head :)

Her grand entrance!

Just Pictures

Here are some more random pictures..........


Lakin making chocolate Christmas candies

Emma and Lakin helping mommy make cinnamon rolls....yummy!I'm not really sure what we were making here...cookies, maybe??

Lakin decided that Bella needed earrings :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


This past Saturday Jami, Harry, and I took the kids ( Gavin and Dawson were at a birthday party) to see Santa at the Armory in Greencastle. It was a little.....rough.... but the girls and Michael got their faces painted and saw Santa and Emma had a blast with a balloon. Lakin refused to go see Santa, which didn't really surprise me and we tried to get both of the babies on Santa's lap at the same time, but I think he was a little bit scared of screaming babies :) We need a redo, I think....but unfortunately that's probably not going to happen. Maybe next year...

Pretty girls....

For whatever reason both Emma and Ava were more interested in the stick than they were the actual sucker....