Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Miss Independant

Here are pictures of just one of the many times my daughter insisted on picking out her own clothes. Luckily, this time we were just playing outside..

Blowing Bubbles

I don't want to forget my older babys! here's some more pictures of them.....

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Growing Up

As I sit here and listen to my two oldest children argue over a bag of doughnuts, I'm holding the newest addition to my family. Smelling her new baby smell, listening to her little baby breaths, again realizing how quickly they grow up. It's sad to me. Some people are ready for their kids to grow, get out on their own, to have their time back to themselves. But me, I don't want them to grow...ever. It almost seems I was just holding Lakin like I am now holding Emma, but then I see her get herself dressed and pour her own drinks. I just want to prolong every single day that I can. My kids are the best gifts that I have ever received, and it amazes me how much I've changed and how much more meaningful little things, like finding pretty rocks or pretending to be an airplane, can be. I was young with Gavin, but I wish everyday that I would have realized how much I would miss never doing those things with him. I just didn't realize how important those things can be. Now, especially since Emma, I look at things in a whole different way. Lakin started that change, and now Emma is changing my outlook even more. If I had nothing but my children on some days, that would be enough. I can't believe that my baby will be in 1st grade in just a few months, can't get over knowing how badly Lakin wants to go to school. That on that day this September, she'll hug me, kiss me and tell me bye, all without a tear. And before I know it, Emma will be joining them and I'll be lost. who knows, by then there may be another one. And I'm sure I'll sit and say " why do I keep having these kids?" as they sit and fight over things like who's going to hold the doughnut bag. But I'll look back and miss every minute of it one day.

On a lighter note... Emma is now three weeks old!! She is doing really well. She had either a case of allergies or her first cold last week, but she's back to almost normal again. She is by far the best eater that I've had! She finished 5oz yesterday! The norm is 4oz every 3-4 hours, but a lot of times, she'll want another ounce or two w/in the hour. Vern says he remembers Lakin doing the same thing, but Lakin only ate 2oz at a time for the first 4 months! Amazingly, she isn't really getting fat, but she is definitely getting longer. She's still in newborn diapers and 0-3 month clothes are ( literally) falling off of her. Newborn clothes are still really loose, but they are gradually getting to short. Sleeping is touch and go with her. If your holding her, she sleeps wonderfully. She is still spending most of her days doing just that, though.She goes about 4 hours at night, most the time, which is actually pretty good. She has even went 6 once or twice, but, I admit, she was sleeping with me. I try not to do that, but sometimes I'm just so tired! But for the most part, she hasn't changed much, and still isn't very exciting, but I actually enjoy her non-exciting ways.

Oh yes, I have to share a moment of amusement, courtesy of Lakin: Sunday evening, I was informing her she had a doctors appointment today ( which I rescheduled). She got very upset, insisting repeatedly that she didn't want to go, no big surprise. When I responded with " they'll just see how big you are and you'll talk to the doctor", and of course " you have to go". To which see said " no! I don't want my belly to be big!" How funny! She assumed that since I went to the doctor, that if she went, she would have a big belly, too. I just thought that was hilarious, and wanted to share with all of you.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Emma Grace

As everyone who reads this knows, Emma grace is here! Of course, I whimped out this time around and got an epidural to get her here, but man was it great! If we do this again (and we have time, of course), the epidural is definetly happening again! I never imagined it would be that great! Anyway, Emma is doing wonderfully! She's sleeping, eating, sleeping, pooping (usually while sleeping),and eating some more. That's pretty much her day. the past two days, though, she has been more alert for longer periods of time. She's gained 7oz. since Thursday, so she is back up to her birth weight, but she's eating 3oz every 3-4 hrs. She's the best eater that I've had! Another thing about miss Emma, unlike the other two, who actually prefered to be left alone, she definetly prefers to be held. Maybe I'll have a child who isn't completly anti-social? Yeah, I doubt it, I think that may be the only dominant gene I posess. She's not quite as ugly as she was when she came out, but she's still not cute, exactly, she's just a newborn. With this one, we're just going to have to wait and see, she's kind of a mis match of everyone....the mailman's maybe? She has super long fingers and toes, not to mention arms and legs. But Lakin did, too. i used to call her's monkey arms. Lakin's were plumper, even at 1wk., then Emma's, but I'm sure she'll put on the fat soon. She has almost no butt at all, which is the exact opposite of Lakin's which started at her neck and ended at her knees. Emma's is like, an inch long. Her big brother and sister are doing great with her! Gavin is completly in love! He just can't get enough Emma! " Can I hold her, Can I hold her?" is pretty much constantly being said by him. Lakin loves to tell everyone about her, but is pretty indifferent to her for the most part. She's sorta borderline obsessed with sticking something in her mouth, but other than that, doesn't pay her much attention. Daddy is back at work, full force, which of course is good ( money) and bad ( my help is almost non-existent). Note to self: if we do do this again, don't get pregnant with a baby that will be due when work is picking up. I'm lucky to see my husband before 9 p.m. Which basically translates to VERY long days. I'm just going to enjoy the next month and a half before school lets out, because this summer is going to be dreadful! I was really looking forward to long days at the beach, Lakin's at a good age for all the fun stuff, but now.... not gonna happen. Thanks Vern! really, it was his fault, this time he carries all the blame! But now that she's here, it was worth it, our summer just won't be as fun. Well, that's it for now other than I'm so constipated it's unreal!! The bowels just refuse to move on their own! It really sucks....just HAD to share that with everyone, I'm sure you appreciate it. Oh yeah! I have the beginning of a hip bone! I haven't seen my hips in, like, 5 months! How exciting! Enjoy the pictures!